(Nanci’s note: The title of this article is censored for search engines. The tees themselves are not.)
Over a decade ago I made my first Cancer SUCKS tee, and a neighbor asked me to make my newest tee. She’s currently undergoing chemotherapy so she needs a shirt that says “Fuck Chemo.” Of course, I had to say yes.
The mesh tees are available inworld for women, men, and people who wear the V-Tech mod. When you buy the mesh tee, you also get a system tee for wearing with Bakes on Mesh (BoM).
Like my Cancer SUCKS tees, proceeds from the Fuck Chemo shirts will benefit the Relay For Life in Second Life. Last year the Cancer SUCKS ugly sweaters were available at the Christmas Expo. These shirts aren’t suitable for a G-rated region, so they’re only available at the Nanci’s Naughties mainstore in Oppeano. They’re in RFL vendors, so every Linden goes directly to the RFL in SL.
My new Fuck Chemo real-life tees are available in my Redbubble store, and they also benefit the RFL in SL. Redbubble lets me put it on more kinds of items than I can inworld, including stickers and drinkware. Unfortunately, I’m not able to put the design on masks due to the profanity.