How to use your Nanci’s Naughties gift card

Nanci's Naughties Gift Card

Nanci’s Naughties now has Gift Cards you can buy. They’re available in several values

  • L$50
  • L$100
  • L$100
  • L$500
  • L$1000

All of the Gift Cards are refillable so you can start with a smaller value gift card and add L$ as you need to. Simply ADD your Gift Card and your current balance will be shown above the Card.

The Gift Cards are ready to use as soon as you buy them, and you don’t even need to unbox them. Just…

  • Find your Gift Card in your inventory. Right click on it and select ADD
  • Find a shirt you want to buy in my store. PLEASE NOTE: The Cancer SUCKS tees can’t be bought with your Gift Cards.
  • When you’re ready to buy the tee simply click the vendor and you’ll see a picture of the shirt on your card
  • Click the BUY NOW button on the Gift Card
  • Make sure you stay in my store until you receive your purchase.

That’s it!

The Nanci's Naughties Gift Card Topup terminal

If you want to add L$ to your NN Gift Card…

  • Visit the Nanci’s Naughties store and find the Gift Card Topup Terminal in the back of the store
  • Make sure you’ve ADDed the Gift Card and pay the terminal the amount you want to add to your Gift Card

Voila! Your Gift Card has the new balance that can be spent on any vendors in the store (except the Cancer SUCKS vendors).

Why can’t you use the Gift Cards for the Cancer SUCKS tees?

Sales of the Cancer SUCKS tees benefit the Relay For Life in Second Life and use the RFL vendors rather than the CasperVend vendors I use in my store. Unfortunately, the two systems don’t talk to one another so you’ll have to have Linden dollars in your balance to buy those tees, but can you think of a better cause to support?