Be honest everywhere and be kind wherever you can.
Edgar Allan Bitch on Twitter

Please note: As of this writing, the good folks at Linden Labs are having to do unscheduled inventory maintenance again so you may want to wait to buy these hoodies and posters until they’re finished. You can check the status of the work on the SL Grid Status page.
Back in August my friend Edgar Allan Bitch tweeted that and as soon as I saw it I knew it had to go on a t-shirt. But rather than putting it on a tee, I went with a hooded sweatshirt to match the Fall weather in my real-life Boston. Of course, there isn’t cooler weather in Second Life, but I like to try to match my clothes in Second Life to the kind of weather I’m getting (or should be getting) in my real life.

It’s available in Clean and Sweary Versions, with the Sweary Version including the citation of who said it. While I don’t mind including her name, I know some folks would probably prefer not wearing a hoodie with the “b” word on it, and I want them to have a version they can wear.
Sized to fit mesh bodies from Belleza, Ebody, Maitreya, Slink, and Tonic, make sure you grab the free demo first to be sure it will look as good on you as you hope it will.

It’s also available in “posters” that you can hang in your SL home or business, as long as you have rez rights of course. As with my Life’s a Bitch posters, these are just L$100 each.
Rather than saving them for a week to make them exclusives to November’s Infinity Event I put them on sale now in the Nanci’s Naughties mainstore. I’ll also be selling them at Infinity, but I wanted to get them on sale now.
I’ll also be bringing them to my Real Life tees store, and when they’re available I’ll post an announcement here.
A note about my booth at the Infinity Event
I’ve been toying with the idea of moving to one of the larger booth at the Infinity Event, and with so many new items going on sale I decided it’s time to make the move. I considered moving to the corner booth across from my old booth but the angle of the booth made positioning things a royal pain in the arse so I got a different booth. When the event opens next week I’ll be posting directions to the new location both here and to the Nanci’s Naughties group in SL. I know I could let you find it on your own and give you a reason to walk past the other booths (and maybe find something you just have to have) but I know I’d like to be directed to the new location so I’ll do that for my customers.