I released my very first clothing fatpack a mere 9 days ago, and my second fatpack should be released in the next week. I won’t say what it is, but the picture gives some mighty big hints.

I’m changing how I’ll be delivering my clothes with this fatpack. Gone will be my shopping bags and from this fatpack forward my new clothes will be unpacked via a HUD. Why am I making this change? Because I find that I really like unpacking clothes in a HUD rather than having to rez an object on the ground or add it to my avatar to be able to unpack it. Not only will this make it easier to unpack your purchase, but you also won’t have to worry about having to deal with boxes or bags all over the place. I’m considering making the HUD detach automatically once you unpack it, but I need to look into a script that will do that.
I have more designs in the works, one of which will benefit a transgender organization here in the Boston area. I’m also toying with making a dress, but I need to come up with a texture that will look good on it. Watch this space, and my store’s Twitter account, to get the latest news. And I’ll be dropping some into to the Nanci’s Naughties SL group as well, so if you haven’t joined it yet now would be a good time. Especially since you get 10% off everything in my store except for the Cancer SUCKS tees.
Stay naughty out there, everyone. As a good friend of mine says, be good, and if you can’t be good, be good at it.