Coming with the start of December will be a new round of Infinity Event, plus the SL Christmas Expo is coming in about a week, but first there’s going to be a first for Nanci’s Naughties.

Nanci’s Naughties will have it’s first ever Black Friday Sale, and from Friday, 29 November through Monday, 2 December, everything in the store will be 50% off. This won’t include the Cancer SUCKS tees or sweaters because they’re in vendors that pay the American Cancer Society in SL directly, but the Second Pride shirts are included in the sale.
Updated Monday, 25 November: The gift cards are also excluded from this sale. Thanks to Toxxic Rhiannyr for reminding me that they shouldn’t be on sale.
I’ve got some new mesh coming for next week, and I’m bringing out some Omega tees that haven’t been available in a decade, so stash away those Linden$ and get ready for some holiday retail therapy.
Have a naughty week, y’all!