Between health issues and a lot of crashes from the new Firestorm viewer, I hadn’t been able to get all my Pride wear set up at Second Pride, but I can finally tell you about the new items. I know Second Pride officially closed yesterday, but the region is up all year round so you’ll be able to buy these tops long after Pride month ends.

First up is the #Transbian halter for women and tee for people who use the V-Tech girlyboi mod. Over the last year, I’ve seen #transbian get used quite a bit on Twitter. A portmanteau of transgender lesbian, transbian looked like a great word to use on a Pride tee this year. I went with a halter, because not only did I want to do something other than a tee, and halters are always sexier than tees or even tank tops.
I wasn’t going to leave out the girlybois, and I wanted to go with a tank top since I can’t find a V-Tech halter to use for a base, but I had issues getting the design on a tank top, so I had to go with a tee.
The folks at Boston Pride inspired my other new Pride design with a tweet last August.
Being L or G or B or T or Q is just the best! Viva la queer!
— Boston Pride (@bostonpride) September 1, 2019

There’s no way “Viva la Queer!” wasn’t going on a tee for Pride, and I have it on tees and tanks for men and women, plus tees for V-Tech users.
You’ll only find them at my booth at Second Pride, and even though Second Pride ends today, I’m not planning on moving them to my mainstore in Oppeano My tent’s in the same place from last year, on the opposite side of the park from the landing point on the east side of the park by The Stonewall Inn. (You TP in on the north side of the park, so my tent is on the left.)
But wait, there’s more!

When you stand in front of my tent, facing it, if you look to your right, you’ll see my new store at Second Pride. You can find last year’s tees there, as well as a few other goodies. While my booth will feature this year’s Pride items, I’ve also put them in the new store so you can look at both places for my Pride wear. With the addition of the new storefront, I won’t be bringing this years’ Pride merch to the mainstore in Oppeano later this year, although you can find last year’s merch in my Oppeano store.
I also have more designs in the queue, so you may want to check for when they go out. I’ll announce them to the Nanci’s Naughties SL group, but they may not hit the blog right away.

The Be a Jane, based on a meme by @TheDediKated on Twitter, is coming out as soon as I can get the ads made. We’re always hearing about “Karens” exercising their white privilege, but TheDediKated suggests that white folks should follow the example of Jane Fonda. Jane is known for her protests during the civil rights era, and she’s still fighting for equal rights in her 80’s. Be a Jane will be available as a two-color fatpack for men, women, and V-Tech users.

Since I’m using TheDediKated’s design, I asked their permission to use it, offering to make it a benefit tee for an organization of her choice. She chose Food Outreach, a Missouri nonprofit that provides “nutritional support to men, women, and children living with hunger and a diagnosis of HIV or cancer.”
I also have another design in the works that will use the new “Progress” Pride flag you may have seen, but I’m working out the licensing on it and don’t want to show a design that will need to be changed when it goes on tees. The flag adds stripes to represent the brown and black people who we lost to AIDS and adds a triangle of the trans pride flag on the left side. You can see the flag flying outside of the Nanci’s Naughties mainstore in Oppeano.

The design features the phrase “Black Trans Lives Matter,” and while it wasn’t available before Second Pride ended today, I’ll get it on sale as soon as I can. Proceeds from the shirts will go to supporting trans people of color, a group of people who get a lot of the violence against people of color. I haven’t selected which organization that sales will benefit yet, but I’ll make an announcement when the shirts go on sale.