Updated 2 September: The Media-SL website now has a gallery of all the designers you can find at this month’s Infinity Event.
With the opening of September’s Infinity Event, I’ve upgraded the Simply Irresistible Halter to a full fatpack. In addition to the black and red halters I released back in July, you can now wear it as a white halter with red text, but it’s also available in five “fabric” colors with glitter text!

Not only can you get glitter text on a black or red halter, but you can also get it on turquoise, purple, and blue halters. It’s only L$500, and as always please grab the demo first. I’d hate for you to buy it and realize you don’t like it.
Now that the halter fatpack is on sale, I’m removing the single color black and red halters from my store. I’m also pulling the Simply Irresistible OMEGA tees from my store but if I get enough requests I’ll make a mesh tee with the design in addition to the halter.
Remember, the Infinity Event runs from the 1st to the 15th every month so don’t wait too long to check this month’s products out. There’s a lot of cute products there, and many designers have free or cheap goodies for you to get. I’ll add a link to the gallery on Media-SL when it goes live, which should be in the next few days. In case you haven’t saved the landmark yet, here’s your limo.
Have you seen the new look at the store yet?
While the outside of the store hasn’t changed (other than the posters on the front of the store), the inside has new carpeting and wallpaper. I’m also changing how I display my shirts in the store, although that’s going a little slower than I had hoped.
I have new designs in the process of being created, plus the good people at Boston Pride gave me an idea for another new top for LGBTQ+ folks. I’m also looking at making my Pride tees into a fatpack, so watch for when those are released. Also make sure you’ve joined the Nanci’s Naughties SL Group so you get notifications of updates that I don’t post here or on Twitter.
Speaking of Second Pride, the sim is still open and if you haven’t checked out all the goodies folks have there now you really should. After you’ve checked out this month’s Infinity Event, that is.
Looking farther down the calendar…
I hate to say it, but Christmas is coming, and I’m working on a special item for the 9th Annual Christmas Expo in SL. I won’t say what it is yet, but I bet you’ll love it.
Stay naughty out there, y’all, and if you’re in the US have a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Labor Day!