I had two goals for getting my SecondLife store open, to get my Valentine’s Day tees on sale before V-Day and getting my Cancer SUCKS tees in vendors to support the Relay For Life of SL. I’ll post pictures of the Cancer SUCKS tees in a few minutes but first, let me show you my Valentine’s Day tees.

My Valentine’s Day tees are for girls only, although I’ll have some guys tees available next year. First up is the Valentine tee in pink, it’s the perfect tee whether you’re looking for Mr. or Ms. Right or Mr./Ms. Right-For-Now.

Our Heart tee can be worn year ’round as a great way to show you believe in the power of love, whether you have someone on your life or not. Of course, you could wear it simply because it’s such a cute tee.

Of course, some folks simply don’t do Valentine’s Day, whether by choice or because perhaps a relationship ended so recently you’re not interested in finding someone new just now. But what you are interested in is the day after Valentine’s Day when all the leftover Valentine’s Day candy get marked do to half off. We don’t really do Half-Price Chocolate Day in SL but don’t let that stop you from letting the virtual world know it with our Anti-Valentine Tee, available in pink or white.
All of our tees are L$50, with free demos available at both our inworld and our SL Marketplace stores.