We’ve got two new of the original store’s tees up for sale up for sale with Omega appliers. One is an old favorite, and the other is a tee that’s flagged as Adult and won’t be pictured on this site.

Our Karma’s Amry tee was inspired by the old NBC sitcom My Name is Earl. As on the show, sometimes Karma takes care of people who do mean-spirited things just to be mean, but sometimes she calls on people who believe in her work to get her back. This tee tells the SL world that you’re on Karma’s side and are willing to be used by her to get back at mean-spirited jackasses.

The other new tee, Ass, was inspired by some friends in a forum back when the old store was open. It’s also one of the reasons this store is called Nanci’s Naughties, not Nanci’s Niceties, and unfortunately, I can’t show or tell you too much about it here. But if you’re on SL and have your preferences set to Adult you can see it here.
Don’t forget, if you are a member of the Nanci’s Naughties group in SL and wear the group tag when you purchase it in our inworld store you’ll get a 5% discount on everything we sell other than the Cancer SUCKS tees.